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Audit Management System Kenya

Audit Management System

Audit Management System (AMS) is designed to streamline and automate the entire audit process, from planning and scheduling to execution, reporting, and follow-up. Audit teams can assess and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management and control over critical processes. Complinity Audit module provides the board and management with the information and the assurance that the processes are currently running fine and eventually they will be ready for any external audit.

Maintain Audit Processes and Audit Masters and Documentation

Maintain Process Masters which are mapped Process, Sub Process & Process Steps. Maintain Audit Type, Auditable Units & Audit Checklist including ISO standards in Audit Masters along with relevant documentation.

Create Audit Plan

Create Audit Plan for the auditable units and monitor Audit Status as Planned, Pending Approval, Approved, Overdue etc. Also track progress of actual audits with the planned audits.

Track Audit Execution

Manage IDR (Initial Data Request) & ADR (Additional Data Request) workflows for Audits in Progress and test completeness and accuracy of information requested by the auditor vis a vis submitted by the Auditee. Capture Findings, Auditee Comments and Observations with Audit and Observation scoring option. Virtual Data Room can be used by auditors to receive all the audit documents from the auditees.

Dashboard, Email Alerts and MIS

Get email alerts and escalation for multiple events. Real time dashboards with Bar Graphs & Pie charts to monitor audits and action items. Search, sort and filter to quickly access relevant information and generate reports.


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